By visiting our website and / or using material from our websites, you accept the following terms. If a visitor / user does not agree
under the terms provided herein, must not use the services of this site.

Who we are and the details of our Company

The retail company, under the brand name «Autogloss», based in Τραπεζούντος 28, Ασπρόπυργος, Ελλάδα, with VAT 148335178, legally represented by Autogloss, is the owner and
administrator of this website
Our store is successfully active in the wider range of the trade, providing consistently and excellent professionalism services that meet
to the high demands of the consumer public.


The content of this Website is its intellectual property and is protected according to Law 2121/1993 “on intellectual protection
property and related rights ”without prejudice to any rights not expressly granted here. By accessing this Website you agree that
you accept the rights of the beneficiary according to articles 3 and 4 of the above law and consequently any act, omission or tolerance contrary to the provisions of the above law
draws the penalties provided for by it.

Description of the Service

The online store ,has its own pricing policy, terms of payment, distribution and delivery of products. The user of the online store has
the ability to place orders in the e-shop, as long as it has been registered ONCE, on the login page of our online store, selecting Become a Member.
The Customer registers only ONCE. The user using the unique combination of User name and password that he has declared,
has the following features:
• Complete the order of the products he has added to the shopping cart.
• To see OLD ORDERS he has made in our online store.
• To modify the details of his account (name, email, address, etc.).

Personal Data – Security

The autogloss.grensures compliance with the principles of Personal Data Protection when using the services of this website regarding the electronic
trade and distance selling, in agreement and compliance with international, European and domestic Greek law and specifically with the provisions of Law 2251/1994
for consumer protection, Directive 2000/31 / EC and Presidential Decree 131/2003 on electronic commerce, as well as Law 2472/1997 for the protection of the individual and
of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8
of Law 2819/2000 and the directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC.
The expressly declares that it will not make any illegal or improper use of your personal data and does not transfer in any way and
for any reason to any third party personal data and information of users / visitors. Your personal information is deleted upon your request
definitively and are not granted in any way to anyone. The submission of data for the purpose of using its services is a responsible statement
of Law 1599/1986 and therefore any false statement of data may draw the penalties provided by article 22 par.6 of the law.

Minor visitors / users of this website may access
services only with the consent of their parents or guardians.

The protection of Consumers Personal Data is our absolute priority. The management and protection of personal data The protection of personal data of consumers is our absolute priority.
The management and protection of personal data is governed by its terms of this Convention and the relevant provisions of both Greek and Community and international law, is governed by the terms of
of this Convention and the relevant provisions of both Greek and Community and international law concerning the protection of the individual from treatment on protecting the individual from processing
personal data, as well as the Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority, which we respect and abide by. Anyone
future change of the above regulatory framework, will be the subject of this contract. In order to offer you the best services and to
We facilitate your purchases with product proposals that suit you, we collect personal information after your explicit consent and after you have previously received full
knowledge of your rights, as they are provided in the provisions of articles 11, 12 and 13 of law 2472/1997 and in corresponding provisions of Regulation 679/2016 GDPR.
Personal data is information that can be used to identify or communicate with a person, as well as other information that
concern that person. The personal information collected by us is limited to your Name, Surname, Address, email, Telephone, Mobile phone in combination with
your shopping cart.
You hereby give your explicit consent to the collection and processing of your above personal data, without which we can not offer you the services
while you can revoke it or amend it at any time (article 2 per. k of Law 2472/1997 and Article 7 of Regulation 679/2016). We reserve the right
change the terms of protection of personal data without notice, in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework. Please, as you check regularly
these terms for any changes, as your continued participation in our services implies your acceptance of all possible
amendments thereto.

Links to other sites

To facilitate your access to the websites of μπορεί να συμπεριλάβει συνδέσεις (links) με ιστοσελίδες του Internet, οι οποίες αποτελούν ιδιοκτησία
or managed by third parties (natural or legal persons) and are themselves responsible for their content as well as
and for the terms of protection of personal data that they follow and in no case is responsible

Product Prices

All prices presented on our websites include Value Added Tax (VAT). These prices refer to the products and the quantities
which are available in our warehouse while the reserves the right to adjust these prices. For some areas of it
Of Greece for which reduced VAT rates apply and if your order is made with an invoice then the prices of the products are lower than those listed
at the reduced VAT.

Applicable Law

All transactions you make through it governed and protected by international and European law governing matters relating to
e-commerce (Directive 2000/31 / EC, Presidential Decree 131/2003) as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) which regulates issues related to
distance sales, as supplemented – amended by K.Y.A. Ζ1-891 / 13-8-2013 (Government Gazette B 2144 / 30-08-2013).

Limitation of Liability

The, its employees, or other representatives, shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for any consequential, incidental,
indirect, special damages or expenses or fines, including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss
information or data, or loss of customer, loss or damage to property, and any claims of third parties arising out of or in connection with use, copying,
or the presentation of this website or its contents or any other linked website, whether or not the was informed,
knew or should have known this possibility.


“Cookies” are self-installed text files, with short content, that are allowed to be stored on the users computer,
visiting a website. “Cookies” files are sent from a website to the users terminal equipment during the first visit to it
and follow the reverse course during the users subsequent visits to the same website. The “Cookies” that come from this website are useful
to identify the user and through statistical data to improve the services provided to the website to him, such as by providing personalized
services. The harmless collection of non-personal information and data that in no way reveals his identity, contributes to the faster and
more efficient operation of our website through statistical evaluations and benchmarks, in the faster processing of user orders and
in the general optimization of services provided by this website.The storage of “Cookies” files of a technical nature is allowed with the consent of the user,
which can be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application, for the purposes of transmitting a communication or
to provide a service that has been explicitly requested by the user (art. 4, case 5, law 3471/2006). Any use of “Cookies” files for advertising purposes is done in the context that
defined by law. The user can delete the “Cookies” files from his terminal equipment at any time.

Secure Transactions

The process of clearing your payment is undertaken by the bank NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A. through the electronic payment platform Ι-NBG that uses
TLS 1.2 encryption with 256-bit encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL) and EMV 3DS – 3D Secure. Encryption is a way of encrypting it
information until it reaches its intended recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key, thus ensuring the absolute
security of your transaction. All data transferred electronically by the customer (credit card information) as well as their transfer from the Bank to VISA
or MasterCard are covered by the encryption algorithm and the card details are not stored anywhere, except used during inspection and
its charge. So the transactions you make with via credit cards are completely secure.
The does not collect or store your credit card information in any way, so you will need to re-enter it,
every time you use your credit card for transactions through this site.

Consumer Complaint Right Through the Electronic Dispute Resolution Platform

According to Directive 2013/11 / EC, which was incorporated in Greece with JM 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes is now provided
with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process throughout the European Union. If the client has his capacity
consumer (ie a natural person acting outside of professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website can be
initiate the ADR process through the single EU Platform for Electronic Dispute Resolution (ADR platform) available at